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Royal chateau of Blois
Place du Château 41000 Blois, France
Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 33
Contact the chateau

Information, reservations and marketing department
Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 32
Contact the chateau

Press department
Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 14
Contact the press department

Secretariat, administrative services, heritage conservation unit
Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 22
Contact the chateau

Education department
Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 05
Contact the education department

Documentation department - library
The documentary resources of the château and the museum are accessible to all
On appointment Monday through Friday
Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 06
Contact the documentation department

Gift shop of the royal chateau
Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 39
Contact the gift shop

Tel. : 00 33 (0)2 54 90 33 13
Contact the Chateau site webmaster

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Château royal de Blois / Aile François Ier - détail (D. Lépissier)

Château royal de Blois / Aile François Ier détail (Y. Boukef)

Château royal de Blois / Vestibule de l'aile Gaston d'Orléans

Château royal de Blois / Galerie aile Louis XII - piliers (© Château Royal de Blois - D. Lépissier)

Château royal de Blois / Galerie aile Louis XII (© Château Royal de Blois - D. Lépissier)

Château royal de Blois / Statue équestre de Louis XII (Y. Boukef)

Château royal de Blois / vue aérienne



The castle is currently open from 10am to 5:30pm (last admission at 5pm)