From 09/07/2024 to 11/02/2024
Château de Blois
6 Place du Château
Organiser : Château Royal de Blois
Reality always goes way beyond fiction: follow this surprising tour in order to learn about truths unheard of about life at the French court during the 16th century, of which the freedom and loose morals will upset the whole of Europe: luxury and pomp go together with extravagances and eccentric behaviours, from ballrooms to alcoves…
From 30 March to 2 November (except July and August): every Saturday at 4:30 pm (except 21/09) - only in French
Prices: In extracharge on the entrance ticket: +7€ for adults / people from 14 to 17 years old : +4€
Prohibited for children under 14 years old - Booking advised by phone 0033 (0)2 54 90 33 33
© N Wietrich