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Comic Strip House

Located in the heart of Blois, the Comic Strip House (Maison de la BD) is the one place in France's « Centre » region dedicated wholly to the 9th art. Installed in a 600m² area on the ground floor of the Louis XII market, all year long it organizes exhibits and encounters as well as comic-book workshops for schoolchildren and the general public.

Created with the idea of facilitating sharing and discovery, the comic strip house favors exchange. Meetings for the general public are regularly organized: literary cafés, illustrated conversations or round tables, and workshops for artists that puts workplaces at their disposal in exchange for services rendered to the house.

With the help of the « bd BOUM » association, each year during two months the house welcomes an author in residence whose presence favors exchanges with a contiguous artist's workshop and creates conditions propitious to creation. The complex also contains several pedagogically oriented poles: a resource center for teachers, and several rooms for schoolchildren.

Seething and teeming with inspiration and creativity, the Blois comic strip house is sure to enchant persons with a passion for the 9th art.

Practical information

To inquire: 0033 2 54 42 49 22 or www.maisondelabd.com

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In figures

Since 1984, the comic strip association BD BOUM has been organizing a 3-day yearly festival bringing together 22000 visitors and 150 authors.

Comic Strip House


The castle is currently open from 10am to 5:30pm (last admission at 5pm)