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Our complete team is at your disposal to provide you with the items you need: Press releases and press kits, images free of copyright, interviews, media visit, etc.

Fluxus Communication : press agency for the Royal Chateau of Blois

Christine RAMAGE
Tél : 0033 (0)1 42 55 99 31 - 0033 (0)6 10 19 33 53

For the Chateau

In charge of communication for the Royal Chateau of Blois
Tel.: 0033 (0)2 54 90 33 14 - 0033 (0)6 45 35 52 05
Contact the Communication officer

For the town of Blois

Benoit COLIN
Communication department manager for the town of Blois
Tel.: 0033 (0)2 54 44 55 12

Communication department deputy manager for the town of Blois
Tel.: 0033 (0)2 54 44 55 40

Download the various press releases and press kits related to the current activities and special events at the Royal Chateau of Blois: exhibitions, life at the Chateau, acquisitions and restorations, etc.

Press kits

We keep at your disposal, on simple request, images free of copyright that can serve as promotional material for the Chateau.

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Château royal de Blois / Aile François Ier - détail (D. Lépissier)

Château royal de Blois / Aile François Ier détail (Y. Boukef)

Château royal de Blois / Vestibule de l'aile Gaston d'Orléans

Château royal de Blois / Galerie aile Louis XII - piliers (© Château Royal de Blois - D. Lépissier)

Château royal de Blois / Galerie aile Louis XII (© Château Royal de Blois - D. Lépissier)

Château royal de Blois / Statue équestre de Louis XII (Y. Boukef)

Château royal de Blois / vue aérienne

Duke of Guise

Duc de Guise 2015 from Ville de Blois on Vimeo.


The castle is currently open from 10am to 5pm (last admission at 4:30pm))